Sunday, December 02, 2007


This morning, my lawyer sent a fax to the seller's lawyer saying, in essence:

A) The comments you gave us to the last draft indicate that you weren't actually looking at the last draft, but at some previous draft

B) If you don't give us certain basic information and documents we've been asking for, to put in the contract [ie, things as basic as a street address for the lawyer - not just a PO Box] then we'll have no choice but to not sign a contract with you.

Haven't heard anything since.

There are only two ways that I might still be buying this apartment:

1- If this lawyer suddenly changes his tune and provides all the necessary information and paperwork, I'll move forward

2- If the seller changes to a new lawyer, I'll move forward.

Frankly, I don't think either of those things will happen.

But we'll see.

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