Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sunday, Sunday

I'm mostly feeling better, thanks.

My former roommate, Penina, is in Israel, and since my roommate, Liza, is in the British Virgin Islands (poor thing), Penina is staying with me. I'm so happy to be able to offer a proper "guest room," instead of floor space like in my old apartment.

Shabbat was very busy. On Friday, Penina and I cooked and cleaned up a storm. On Shabbat day, first I brought Penina to prayer services because she wanted to say birkat hagomel, after a small car accident she had last week. Then we walked uuuuuup the hill to a singles' kiddush. Then dooooooown the hill to my place, where I hosted lunch for several guests -- some of whom stayed until 6:30 pm! What a day, what a day.

This week: I'm pitching stories to several magazines and working on two stories for the Jewish Week and one for the WJD. I could use more work, if anyone wants to hire a writer/editor.

And . . . tomorrow is my (English calendar) birthday! I will be "twice chai" years old. Feels a little weird.

If you are interested in giving Chayyei Sarah a birthday present, I certainly would never refuse! (But you don't have to buy me a present to enjoy my blog. All are welcome.) I could really use gift certificates to this site, or help in saving up for a sofa (see the sidebar).

Coming up in a future post: How my friend Elizabeth reacted when she came face-to-face with an armed member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. The story is surprisingly funny, actually, and surreal. Truly strange things happen in this part of the world -- especially, I must say, to Elizabeth.

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